Registration Information
Registration: Summer registration is online 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. To complete the registration process, students must make their required payment to the Student Accounts Office using CASHNet. Visit the link below for payment options (/fiscal-services/office-of-student-accounts/office-of-student-accounts-payment-options.html)
1st 5-Week Session registration will be held on Friday, May 17, 8-Week Session registration is scheduled for Friday, May 31st and the 2nd 5-Week Session registration is scheduled for Friday, June 21st . A late registration fee of $100 is charged to those students who register after classes begin for each Summer Term.
Any student currently enrolled at Xavier may attend the summer session(s). Students who have been admitted to the University for the 2024-2025 academic year are eligible and encouraged to attend. New Freshman must be deposit paid in order to enroll in summer classes.
New undergraduates, as well as transfer students, must apply for admission to the University. A completed application must be submitted to the Admissions Office. Apply Today Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions at (504) 520-7388.
Session One |
Session Two |
Session Three |
Five Weeks |
Five Weeks |
Eight Weeks |
Continued Registration |
May 17 |
June 21 |
May 31 |
Classes Begin |
May 20 |
June 25 |
June 3 |
Last Day to Add or Change a Course or Section |
May 21 |
June 25 |
June 4 |
Juneteeth Holiday |
June 19 |
June 19 |
Last Day to Drop a Course (Summer I) |
May 21 |
Independence Day Holiday |
July 4 |
July 4 |
Last Day to Drop a Course (Summers II and III) |
July 19 |
July 19 |
Final Examinations |
June 21-22 |
July 26-27 |
July 26-27 |
Final Grades Due (Noon) |
July 11 |
July 30 |
July 30 |
Readmit Applicants
Former students who were not enrolled in the University for the Spring 2024 semester must apply for readmission before summer session registration. Information, as well as the “Application for Readmission,” is located at /readmission.
Transient/Visiting Applicants
Students may apply as non-degree seeking students at Xavier University and, if admitted, are eligible for enrollment on a term by term basis in the undergraduate program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Applications must be submitted and approved through the Office of Admissions. All required documents should be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the selected term.
- Visiting (Transient) Students who are degree-seeking students at another institution may apply for enrollment at Xavier. Visiting students must obtain approval from their home institution for transfer credit from Xavier. Approval is dependent on verification that the student is in good academic standing.
- Special Non-Degree Seeking Students are taking courses for enrichment or other special purposes. Students in this category must be high school graduates and provide evidence that they are eligible to take college-level courses at Xavier. Students in this category may accumulate a maximum of eighteen semester hours.
To apply for admission as a non-degree seeking student you must submit the following to the Office of the Admissions: - Completed application with the application fee
After a student has been approved for enrollment, the required Health Service documents must be submitted.
to download an application for admission as a transient student.
New graduate students seeking teacher certification or a graduate degree should request an application form and information concerning requirements for admission from the Graduate School Office. Completed applications, with the $30.00 fee, MAT scores, passing score from appropriate PRAXIS exam, two references, and official transcripts of all prior undergraduate/graduate course work must be submitted to the Graduate School Office. (All folders must be completed by May 1st).
Adding Courses
Students who wish to add courses must do so online during the registration period. All students are expected to see their advisor before making changes to their schedule. Freshmen, Deciding/ Deciding Non-Science Majors, Music Majors, and English Majors must obtain their alternate PIN Number from their Advisor or Department Head.
Students may drop courses online during the registration period via Banner Web.
If a student wishes to drop a course after the last day to add or change course sections, the following process should be followed:
To drop a course, follow steps 1 & 2 below. The course drop form is available in the My
XULA Portal on the Registrar’s Menu or you can click the link below.
1. Complete the form to drop your course(s).
2. Email this form to, your advisor and instructor(s).
If you have any questions please get in touch with our office at 504-520-6790.
The last day to drop a course is:
- 1st Summer Session – June 14, 2024
- 2nd and 3rd Summer Session – July 19, 2024
The grade of “W” will be assigned
Location: Xavier South, Room 300
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (504) 520-5226
Refund Policy
Summer Session I (Five Weeks - 202405)
Students who officially withdraw or cancel their registration for Summer Session I by the end of the late registration period (4:00 p.m., May 21, 2024) will receive a full refund. Students who withdraw or cancel between the third and fifth day of class will receive a 50% refund of tuition and fees.
After the fifth day of class, students are responsible for the entire balance. No refunds will be issued after May 24, 2024.
Summer Session II (Five Weeks - 202406)
Students who officially withdraw or cancel their registration for Summer Session II by the end of late registration period (4:00 p.m., June 25, 2024) will receive a full refund. Students who withdraw or cancel between the third and fifth day of class will receive a 50% refund of tuition and fees.
After the fifth day of class, students are responsible for the entire balance. No refunds will be issued after June 28, 2024.
Summer Session III (Eight Weeks - 202307)
Students who officially withdraw or cancel their registration for Summer Session III by the end of late registration period (4:00 p.m., June 4, 2024) will receive a full refund. Students who withdraw or cancel between the third and fifth day of class will receive a 50% refund of tuition and fees.
After the fifth day of class, students are responsible for the entire balance. No refunds will be issued after June 7, 2024.
Tuition & Fees
College of Arts and Sciences (per credit hour) |
$312 |
Labs (each lab) |
83 |
Technology Fee |
60 |
Activity Fee |
21 |
Identification Card |
11 |
College of Pharmacy (per credit hour) |
$716 |
Labs (each lab) |
83 |
Technology Fee |
60 |
Student Activity Fee |
21 |
Identification Card |
11 |
Graduate School (per credit hour) |
$324 |
Technology Fee (1-8 hours) |
228 |
Technology Fee (+9 hours) |
454 |
Student Activity Fee |
21 |
Identification Card | 11 |
Masters of Public Health (per credit hour) |
$744 |
Technology Fee - (1-8 hours) |
228 |
Technology Fee - (+9 hours) |
454 |
Student Activity Fee |
21 |
Identification Card |
11 |
Physician Assistant Program (per semester) |
$13,049 |
Technology Fee |
454 |
P. A. Assessment Fee YEAR 1 (start Summer 2023) per semester |
161 |
P. A. Assessment Fee YEAR 2 (start Summer 2023) per semester |
405 |
P. A. Assessment Fee YEAR 3 (start Summer 2023) per semester |
938 |
Student Activity Fee (per semester) |
129 |
P. A. Lab Fee |
83 |
Identification Card (Each semester) |
11 |
Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) |
Full Time (+9 hours) |
$7,344 |
Part Time (1-8 Hours, per semester hour) |
905 |
Technology Fee - (+9 hours) |
454 |
Technology Fee - (1-8 hours) |
228 |
Student Activity Fee |
21 |
Identification Card (Each semester) |
11 |
Speech Pathology |
Tuition (8-12 hours) |
$6,831 |
Tuition (1-7 hours) (Per semester hour) |
905 |
Technology Fee - (+9 hours) |
454 |
Technology Fee - (1-8 hours) |
228 |
Clinical Practicum Fee (Per course) |
125 |
Student Activity Fee |
21 |
Identification Card (Each semester) |
111 |
Institute for Black Catholics Studies (per credit hour)*** |
$324 |
***Additional Charges - See IBCS Website |
LSU (per week) |
$540 |
Reservation Fee |
57 |
Laundry Fee |
21 |
Other University Fees |
Late Fee (Graduate, Pharmacy, & AS students) |
104 |
- The University reserves the right to cancel any summer school course for which fewer than 10 students register.
- Undergraduate students are classified as full-time students in a summer session if they enroll for six (6) hours in a five-week session.
- Students who wish to enroll for more than seven semester hours in a summer session must obtain written permission from their department chairpersons.
- The grade of "I" (incomplete) is not normally assigned in any undergraduate course during the summer session. Special circumstances which necessitate the above must be approved by the appropriate Dean.
- Your advisor must approve Withdrawals from courses. The grade of "W" will be assigned for withdrawals that occur between the third day of classes and Wednesday of the fourth week of classes in each of the five week sessions, and Wednesday of the sixth week of classes in the eight-week session. After that time period, withdrawals from courses will not be permitted.
- Students who are registered for 1000 level course and miss more than 3 classes are eligible for the grade of "FE" (other than some math courses).
- Students who are registered for a 4 semester-hour math course and miss more than 5 classes are eligible for the grade of "FE".
If you have additional questions, please contact:
Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
1 Drexel Drive, Box 40
New Orleans, LA 70125
(504) 520-7835
To receive a transcript for Summer Session course work, students can order transcripts online. (/registrars-office-request-transcripts) The transcript fee is $5.00 per transcript. Students must have a zero balance to receive a transcript
Rooms are available as double occupancy and board is automatically included. All residence halls are air-conditioned. Students must supply their own pillows, linen, mattress covers, light blankets, towels and shower curtains (St Martin de Porres Hall only). Room and board is available for each five-week session and eight-week session. Residence will be open for occupancy at 8:00 a.m. on May 26th.
Students interested in obtaining summer housing may address correspondence to:
Office of Residential Education
Xavier University
1 Drexel Drive
New Orleans, LA 70125
(504) 520-7321
All students will be required to use XCards to attend classes for all Summer Sessions.
New Students
(i.e., first time attending Xavier University e.g., New Freshmen and Transfer Students)
You may obtain a new student XCard/ID card only after you:
- Have registered for classes for the current semester/session,
- Have been fiscally cleared via Student Accounts (i.e., you have satisfied the minimum tuition/fee payment and/or clearance via a Student Account representative/cashier) - even if you have a zero balance because of Financial Aid,
3. Present to a Campus Card Office representative a positive government photo identification card (e.g., driver’s license, state identification card, military ID, passport)
Continuing/Returning Students
If you were enrolled at Xavier anytime between August 2004 and the previous semester/session:
- And you have taken a photo for your XCARD; your ID card will be electronically reactivated after you have been fiscally cleared.
- But have never taken a photo for your XCARD; please do so during our regular business hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Mon. - Fri.
ID System Maintenance Fee/Student Accounts versus ID Replacement Fee/Campus Card Office
Note: The $10.00 ID fee that a student pays to a Student Account representative (e.g., University
Cashier) every semester/session during which he/she is enrolled in classes at Xavier is an ID system maintenance fee and is separate from the Replacement ID Card $10.00 nonrefundable cash fee which is paid in the Campus Card Office, University Center, and Room 122. The first ID that a student receives is actually issued free of charge during the first semester/session in which he/she enrolls at Xavier. Therefore, if a student has to be re-issued another ID card, he/she will have to pay a replacement fee.
The Cashier's Office is located at Xavier South, Room 300. Regular hours are Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The phone number is (504) 520-5226 or 520-6773.
Counseling & Wellness Center provides professional counseling services (including academic, personal, mental health, and career counseling to students, faculty, and staff. Our campus clinical psychologist provides behavioral health assessments and therapy. Counseling Services assist students in exploring their feelings, attitudes, behavior, decision making, coping and life skills, study skills, time management, and test taking. In addition, our services include wellness, behavioral health, and recovery programming, advising wellness peer counselors, and residential hall outreach. The Counseling & Wellness Center is located in St. Joseph's Academic and Health Resource Center, Building #13, Suite 202. Appointments can be made Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
As the center of intellectual life, Xavier’s Library provides access to materials that are the building blocks of knowledge, and services that support the educational needs of the university.
The library offers access to a constantly expanding collection of more than 500,000 electronic resources, including ebooks, electronic journals, videos and more, accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through our website. This comes along with more than 100,000 physical materials held in the library building. The library also offers opportunities for various types of knowledge creation, thanks to our Innovation Studio, equipped with a laser cutter, 3D printers, CNC milling equipment and other tools for creating physical items, and our Data Visualization Lab, with tools to help turn data into understandable, digestible visual representations. And the library’s growing digital repository offers students the chance to let the world see their best work and add it to the university’s knowledge base, all while keeping their intellectual property protected.
Located inside the library building is the Xavier University Archives and Special Collections, home to thousands of historical university records; cultural artifacts related to African-American, Louisiana, Gulf Coast-region and U.S. Roman Catholic history and culture; and the creative writing of the modern Deep South. Also under the care of the archives is the library’s collection of thousands of rare books. Every day, access to these resources becomes easier as the library works to digitize historic records for addition to our rapidly expanding digital library.
The Library offers a full range of information services, including chat and email assistance, as well as in-person consultations in both one-on-one and classroom settings. The library is committed to offering students and faculty forward-thinking and sustainable information- and resource-management tools. Each librarian works closely with the university’s academic departments to enhance resources in all areas.
The following summer library hours are subject to change. For current hours, you can contact the Library at (504) 520-7305 or visit the library’s homepage at .
Summer Sessions | |
May 27th – June 30th | 7:30AM – 9:00PM (Monday – Thursday) 7:30AM – 5:00PM (Friday) 8:00AM – 6:00PM (Saturday) 8:00Am – 8:00 PM (Saturday) 2:00PM – 10:00PM (Sunday) 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Saturday) 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Sunday) |
July 1st – July 19th (IBCS) | 7:30AM – 10:00PM (Monday – Thursday) 7:30AM – 8:00PM (Friday) 8:00 AM – 8:00PM (Saturday) 2:00pm – 10:00PM (Sunday) |
July 4th | Closed (Thursday) |
July 20th – August 3rd | 7:30AM – 9:00PM (Monday – Thursday) 7:30AM – 5:00 PM (Friday) 8:00AM – 6:00 PM (Saturday) |
Pre Fall Session | |
August 4th – August 18th | 7:30AM – 5:00PM (Monday – Friday) (No Weekend Operation) |
The University Bookstore is located in the University Center, Room 214. It carries required textbooks for all Summer Studies courses, as well as a variety of other hardback and paperback books. The University Bookstore hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm the first week of each Summer Session. For the remainder of each Summer Session, the hours are Monday through The University Bookstore is located in the University Center, Room 214. It carries required textbooks for all Summer Studies courses, as well as a variety of other hardback and paperback books, supplies and clothing. The University Bookstore hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm the first week of each Summer Session. For the remainder of each Summer Session, the hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Hours are subject to change.) For information call the Bookstore (504) 520-7300 or visit the website at .
The Xavier University Dining facility provides 19 meals per week, according to the following schedule. (Hours subject to change)
Monday through Friday | |
Breakfast | 7:00AM – 10:00 am |
Continental Breakfast | 10:00am – 11:00am |
Lunch | 11:00am -3:00pm |
Lite Lunch (Grill/Pizza/Salad Bar) | 3:00pm – 4:30pm |
Dinner | 4:30 PM – 7:00 pm |
Saturday and Sunday | |
Brunch | 10:00AM – 2:00pm |
Lite Brunch (Grill/Pizza/Salad Bar) | 2:00pm – 4:30pm |
Dinner | 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM |
Additional information about the Dining Service may be obtained by contacting the Dining Service Office at (504) 520-7573 or visiting their website at
Parking on campus during the summer session is particularly congested due to the vast amount of special programs held during the summer. Parking in the University lots is available for the summer session in accordance with the standard university parking regulations. Students designated areas for students, faculty designated areas for faculty, and staff designated areas for staff. It will be necessary to obtain a parking permit from the Office of University Police in order to park on any of the university lots.
The Office of University Police is located at S. Carrollton Avenue and Drexel Drive. Enforcement of all parking regulations will continue throughout the summer sessions. Parking in Reserved, Handicapped, Faculty or Staff designated areas will result in parking tickets and/or booting of vehicles. All rules and regulations regarding parking are explained in the Parking Regulation Booklet issued by the Office of University Police. For more information, contact the Office of University Police at (504) 520-7490.
Contact Us
Office of Student Affairs
504.520.7357 |